Caring Activism – operating below, beyond or outside government

'Democracy, as collective decision-making, is valued highly in the concept of caring activism, but it does not, as a political system, always protect small minorities lacking in power.'

Extract from Caring Activism: A 21st Century Concept of Care, p 49:

“Caring activism should not allow itself to become dependent on local or national government for sanctioning its activities or providing funds. While they would not be anti-government, caring activists would operate on the understanding that there are many vulnerable people that governments do not reach or do not consider worthy of their consideration. Caring activism must on principle operate below, beyond or outside government to provide vulnerable citizens with effective support that is not otherwise available to them under the administration operating at that time.


            “In democratic countries there are institutions of state that carry authority. Caring activists must remain aware of them at all times. Having said that, caring activism is envisioned as a valuable, people-powered component of a caring society. It should never become dependent on and then controlled by stronger forces, whether commercial company, state institution or public, private or voluntary agency. This is because any of these organisations can have interests, agendas and activities far beyond, and sometimes in direct conflict with, the interests and protection of vulnerable citizens. 


cover“Democracy, as collective decision-making, is valued highly in the concept of caring activism, but it does not, as a political system, always protect small minorities lacking in power. Western democracy operates within a powerful capitalist system and can become subject to it. In these cases financial interests can override concern for vulnerable children and adults.”

Caring Activism: A 21st Century Concept of Care

By Peter Limbrick

-- Edited by Professor Hilton Davis --

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