Keyworker & keyworking. Have these words been done to death in England? Are you doing this essential work under another name? Do you hold the key? Does NCB?

Keyworker & keyworking. Have these words been done to death in England? Are you doing this essential work under another name? Do you hold the key? Does NCB?

Editorial comment: TAC Bulletin readers might have seen my laments[1],[2] about the demise of CCNUK (Care Co-ordination Network UK) which was supposed to promote keyworker support for families of disabled children and then fizzled out mysteriously. CCNUK began in 2000 with the strong winds of both

Read more: Keyworker & keyworking. Have these words been done to death in England? Are you doing this essential work under another name? Do you hold the key? Does NCB?

The TAC approach for babies, children, teenagers, adults and elderly people – an introduction

The Team Around the Child approach as a whole system of intervention


In this approach to disabled children, a small individualised team or TAC (the Team Around the Child) is established around each child and family. Each child’s TAC is more effective, creative, wise and powerful than the individua

Read more: The TAC approach for babies, children, teenagers, adults and elderly people – an introduction

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