Peer review on “Live Without Bullying”: report now online

coface80December 14, 2017 - Ana Perez

From COFACE Families Europe: Members of COFACE Families Europe provide a wide range of support services to families, including support services to children, teachers, and parents on ways to tackle bullying and cyberbullying.

The impact of bullying on victims is well known; it affects their self-esteem, school performance and can even lead to suicidal thoughts and attempts. Cyberbullying also has an impact on perpetrators, bystanders, parents and schools.

In September 2017, a delegation of the COFACE network took a closer look at the Greek digital platform “Live Without Bullying”, coordinated by KMOP in Greece. They reviewed the programme and used it as a starting point for European exchanges on the situation in their respective countries. Peer reviewers included: KFO Austria, Gezinsbond Belgium, CWSP Bulgaria, Step-by-Step Croatia, Women 4 Women Czech Republic, UNAF France, Vaestoliitto Finland, NOE Hungary, ASGECO Spain, and UNAF Spain.

The aim of the review was to look at the implementation of the good practice (Live Without Bullying) on a practical level, compare it with programmes and challenges in other countries, and assess whether and how it can be transferred to other contexts. The peer review was supported by Digital Parent consulting in the role of independent expert, as well as COFACE policy officers specialising in human rights and inclusive education/digitalisation and cyber-bullying. The peer review report is available here.

We hope it will serve as inspiration for civil society organisations and policy-makers active in the fight for human rights.

See also: COFACE peer review on Greek programme “Live Without Bullying”, September 2017