TAC Bulletin Update – Issue Number 261 – Mid-March 2020

scope80‘Seeing the whole child’ and ‘Seeing the child in the family’ What can these phrases mean to practitioners in ECI?

The F Words
Telehealth Service in infant mental health home visiting – also relevant to early childhood intervention
Discussion offer - free - any country
CE International Launches Free Introductory Course to Trauma-Informed Practices
Integration Made Possible: A practical manual for joint working. Can you help?


Editor Peter Limbrick  -   About this TAC Bulletin

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Cartoon for issue 261:

scope300Cartoons are copyright Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2020 and cannot be used elsewhere without prior permission.

Peter Limbrick, Editor, Interconnections, UK.

Tel/fax: (+44) 01497 831550

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Web: www.tacinterconnections.com                            

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