Experts and doctors warn: Pregnant women and children should not be exposed to wireless radiation. Research suggests risk of autism and ADHD/ADD-like behaviors

phonepicture2Dr. Olle Johansson, Associate Professor, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm writes: The information campaign entitled The Babysafe Project is coordinated by The Grassroots Environmental Education and Environmental Health Trust, and is based on independent, scientific research which links exposure to wireless radiation from cell phones during pregnancy to neurological problems and behavioral disorders similar to ADHD/ADD in children.

Already in 2010, after a consensus meeting 2009 in Seletun, Norway, myself and a group of scientists voiced strong warnings and recommendations about wireless dangers in the Seletun report, which subsequently became the basis for the Council of Europe's resolution No. 1815 in 2011.

A team of researchers in California conducted a major study of cell phone use among pregnant women. For one year the team looked at all the kids who were born in Denmark, and interviewed the mothers about their cell phone use during pregnancy, as well as the child's later cell phone usage and behavior pattern. As it turned out, to the scientists' surprise, the mothers who had the most frequent cell phone use during their pregnancy consequently had the greatest risk of having children with behavioral difficulties.

This included both autism and ADHD/ADD-like behaviors. The greater risk was statistically significant and increased with further cell phone use by the child. [Divan H A, Kheifets L, Obel C, Olsen J (2008) "Prenatal and postnatal exposure to cell phone use and behavioral problems in children", Epidemiology 2008; 19: 523-529.]

Read more:

Babysafe Project:

The Grassroots Environmental Education and Environmental Health Trust:

Seletun Report:

Council of Europe's resolution No. 1815: