Are you struggling to get health, education and social care working together around children or adults?

This sort of integration does not come naturally. In fact, it is a hard nut to crack

Peter Limbrick’s Manual ‘Integration made possible’ addresses the main issues and offers ways forward for manager, practitioners and family members. It brings co-production, person-centred practice and a firm evidence base into your local joint working project.
Quoting from page 11:
'The ideal to aspire to in integration is for each child or adult to experience a total pattern of support that is sensibly organised, harmonious, effective, empowering and apparently seamless without them having to be always conscious of the various agencies, practitioners and other people that have come together to create it.
'It is possible to achieve the ideal, but in most cases, the level of integration will be the best that can be achieved at the time in the particular situation. Once a degree of integration is achieved and shown to be successful it will surely expand its scope and attract more people into the culture of joint working.'
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