An Integrated Pathway for Assessment and Support for Children with Complex Needs and their Families (Publication)
The best way to establish early child and family support in a city, region or country - a 3-part essay
This essay concerns babies and pre-school children who have conditions that can present significant obstacles to their development and learning. A child might have a single condition (with a single diagnosis) or a multifaceted condition (with two or more diagnoses). The essay
Guidelines for the Alternative Family Care of Children in Kenya
These guidelines are meant to support child welfare and protection practitioners in order to improve the quality of family support and alternative care services in Kenya.
Read more: Guidelines for the Alternative Family Care of Children in Kenya
Early Support for Children with Complex Needs: Team Around the Child and the Multi-Agency Keyworker (Publication)
The Team Around The Child: Multi-Agency Service Co-ordination for Children with Complex Needs and their Families (Publication)
Lockdown Fathers: The untold story
What happened to Britain's fathers during the first Covid-19 lockdown? And how can we 'build back' from the pandemic in ways that retain the 'best bits' for the future?
Watch here
Jan Skacel: Twenty-six Poems

Jan Skacel (author), Martina Jirankova-Limbrick (illustrator, translator from the Czech), Simon Pettifar (translator)
Published by Deodar Books within Interconnections
ISBN: 9780954097691
Paperback, 60 pages, £10.00.
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