TAC Bulletin Update – Issue Number 225 – Mid-July 2018

acme80lEditor Peter Limbrick  -   About this TAC Bulletin

Shelter research – In work, but out of a home (UK)

Gaps between Expert and Public Understandings of Care Experience and the Care System in Scotland


Opening Doors for Europe’s Children. (What can be more important than getting children out of institutions? - Ed)

Streaming instead of dreaming: Using phones and tablets before bed stops kids from sleeping and can lead to health issues

Women's rights and gender equality in 2018 – report from Equality and Human Rights Commission (UK)

CanFASD is building and sharing knowledge. Can you help?

Factors that Underpin the Delivery of Effective Decision-making Support for People with Cognitive Disability

Exclusions and alternative provision (England)

Rare Conditions Family Fun Event, Glasgow, UK, August 2018. Can you come?

Performance of poem written by young people from refugee backgrounds. London UK. Can you be there this weekend?

Peter Limbrick can come to your team or group, UK and elsewhere


Cartoon for TAC Bulletin Issue 225:

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The views expressed in the TAC Bulletin and News Service are not necessarily shared by TACinterconnections.



Cartoons are copyright Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2018 and cannot be used elsewhere without prior permission.

Peter Limbrick, Editor, Interconnections, UK.

Tel/fax: (+44) 01497 831550

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011