Standing Together Against Hate: new animation highlights the importance of challenging hate, hostility and harassment in Higher Education

Standing Together Against Hate: new animation highlights the importance of challenging hate, hostility and harassment in Higher Education

Centre for Hate Studies produces Office for Students-funded animation to be showcased at British Society of Criminology Conference  

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Professor Neil Chakraborti, Dr Stevie-Jade Hardy and Dr Chris Allen from the University of Leicester’s Centre for Hate Studies will be leadin

Read more: Standing Together Against Hate: new animation highlights the importance of challenging hate, hostility and harassment in Higher Education

Opening Doors – Strengthening families. Ending institutional care across Europe. What is the situation in your country?

Opening Doors – Strengthening families. Ending institutional care across Europe. What is the situation in your country?

The latest compilation of data from 16 European countries document why institutional care – unnecessary, outdated and harmful type of care – still remains a problem for hundreds of thousands of children within EU borders and beyond. 

Through recommendations addressed to poli

Read more: Opening Doors – Strengthening families. Ending institutional care across Europe. What is the situation in your country?

Applying systems thinking to support an infant with ‘multiple disabilities’, Part 2. Designing a multifaceted intervention system for each child

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