Social Story – ‘BOBBY CAN USE THE TOILET’ by Charmaine Champ, Interconnections Continence Consultant
Paper - Changing the discourse: we all must be knowledge brokers
This news of a paper by Peter Roesenbaum comes from CanChild:
Despite the current drive by healthcare professionals to move beyond categorical thinking and the use of negative "d-words" (i.e. damage, defect, depressing) in describing childh
Read more: Paper - Changing the discourse: we all must be knowledge brokers
Life Feels Good (2013) a movie from Poland about institutionalisation
From Ronnie Scheib’s Montreal Film Review: Neither tearfully sentimental nor coldly scientific, “Life Feels Good,” Maciej Pieprzyca’s film about a man with cerebral palsy struggling to communicate to those around him that he is an intelligen
Read more: Life Feels Good (2013) a movie from Poland about institutionalisation
VIDEO: The case for science-based innovation in early childhood

This comes from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University.
Center Director Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., describes the mission of the Center on the Developing Child and its vision for using science to innovate in the early childh
Read more: VIDEO: The case for science-based innovation in early childhood
Bowel & Bladder Assessment Pack – A new guide to help you support disabled children and teenagers with toileting
Book. Intellectual Disability and Stigma: Stepping Out from the Margins. Editors - Scior & Werner
From Palgrave website: This book examines how intellectual disability is affected by stigma and how this stigma has developed. Around two per cent of the world's population have an intellectual disability but their low visibility in many pla