Editorial: Hey Guys, do you keep your smartphone 15cm from your texticles? Not a good idea! (Women should read this too.)

Editorial: Hey Guys, do you keep your smartphone 15cm from your texticles? Not a good idea! (Women should read this too.)

Is your smartphone in you back pocket? If so, your testicles and their sperm are very close indeed to this powerful source of electromagnetic radiation.

Perhaps you think like this;

“OK. This radiation passing between my smartphone and the

Read more: Editorial: Hey Guys, do you keep your smartphone 15cm from your texticles? Not a good idea! (Women should read this too.)

TAC Bulletin Editorial - Goals, commitments and promises for families who have a baby or young child with a multifaceted condition. Are mine the same as yours?

A child with a ‘multifaceted condition’ has some or all of the following conditions in combination: physical, sensory, or learning disability; social communication disorder; serious illness; uncertain or shortened life expectancy. When profe

Read more: TAC Bulletin Editorial - Goals, commitments and promises for families who have a baby or young child with a multifaceted condition. Are mine the same as yours?

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