Collaborating to deliver excellence and equity for children with disability and their families - Preci in Australia

Extracts from PRECI newsletter -

PRECI welcomes the final report from the NDIS Review and commends the strong focus on children and their families, and the development of a unified ecosystem of support.  The renewed focus on early identification of emerging developmental concerns an

Read more: Collaborating to deliver excellence and equity for children with disability and their families - Preci in Australia

Childrens Health Defence

Sharing key information and strategies

From their website:

'CHD Europe intends to share information and resources related to science, legal action, petitions and advocacy in Europe. We encourage the development of a collective information network. People from all countries feel the need to join forc

Read more: Childrens Health Defence

share your information  Cartoon © Martina Jirankova-Limbrick 2011