A New Guiding Framework for Engaging Diverse Populations in Disaster Risk Reduction: Reach, Relevance, Receptiveness, and Relationships

Creator: Jay Marlowe1 et al

This article presents a study with 20 Pacific Island community leaders and connectors about their communities’ perspectives and anticipated responses to natural hazards in Auckland, New Zealand. Home to the largest population of Pacific people in the world, Auckland provi

Read more: A New Guiding Framework for Engaging Diverse Populations in Disaster Risk Reduction: Reach, Relevance, Receptiveness, and Relationships

Systems theory promoting early child development programmes. Perhaps it is all about pastry!

'...disabilities and impairments interact with each other as the infant’s neurology matures...'

Systems theory tells us that when parts join together into a system, new characteristics emerge that were not present in the parts. Here are two articles:


ONE: ECDAN ‘Accelerating promotion of earl

Read more: Systems theory promoting early child development programmes. Perhaps it is all about pastry!

The IDEAS Impact Framework to achieve breakthrough outcomes for young children and families facing adversity

...sets a higher bar for program development...

From the Harvard website:

'To achieve breakthrough outcomes for young children and families facing adversity, we need a structured but flexible approach that facilitates program development, evaluation, and fast-cycle iteration.

'The IDEAS Impact Frame

Read more: The IDEAS Impact Framework to achieve breakthrough outcomes for young children and families facing adversity

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